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Contains more jump-scares than any other VR game!  You never know what is round the next corner, or when it will chase you down.

​Everybody hates a wasp flying in their window.  Imagine if that wasp was two meters long and only wanted to sting you to death.  Depending on which difficulty level you choose, they fly faster and sting harder.  The original design of the game was with no weapons so you had to sneak about.  But it was too stressful, and so I had to develop ways to kill them.  So much better.

You have ten increasingly complicated environments to explore.  After the first level you are given an inventory, and you can collect tokens which  help you run faster and jump higher.  There is a backstory which unfolds as a series of close encounters with grey aliens.  They explain why you are are there and what your mission is.  As you progress through the levels, you can collect trophies which unlock mini interactive models of the enemies in the trophy room.  Also, getting your "kills up" unlocks the 3D map rooms which are off the trophy room, and which show you where all the hidden rooms are and more.


There are a number of challenging environments and puzzles.  If you are fainthearted you can play and enjoy the whole game on easy mode.  But if you are hardcore, try the normal and hard modes. When you complete any level on any difficulty, you unlock a difficulty level called "Impossible", and it might actually be impossible!  So why is it there?  Every difficulty level has a trophy hidden somewhere, and in  the impossible level, the trophy is impossible to find without exploring the 3D map room and finding its location.  You have a dash board which tells you which difficulty levels you have completed for each maze.  I doubt that anyone will ever collect all the stars.  It would be a real challenge!

This preview was on the Oculus Store when the game was live.

  • YouTube

Full Walkthrough on Youtube

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